“I feel active and energetic and got relief from my abdominal discomfort”

Abdominal discomfort and weakness




Chronic specific duodenitis, chronic nonspecific proctitis with eosinophils, and h. pylori positivity

Purchased Hugg on 25th June 2024 (#1897204)

I have been experiencing abdominal discomfort and weakness since 2004. I have undergone several treatments, and although I only experience temporary relief. I approached Hugg beverages and started taking Tumguard which made me feel active and energetic throughout the day .My abdominal discomfort has been reduced and I would like to continue using Tumguard.

Were you on a diet/medicines?


I have ordered again.

Abdominal discomfort and weakness

Start Day Core issues

Abdominal discomfort and weakness

End Day Core issues



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So real.
So simple.