My 30-day review of pomegranate juice for skin whitening.

Poor kidney function and high cholesterol turned my skin so dark that I desperately turned to pomegranate juice for skin whitening.

I had tried various face packs before, but nothing worked.

A few YouTube videos recommended pomegranate juice for skin whitening, so I thought I’ll give it a shot.

Next day, I went to the market, and invested in some fresh and red pomegranate juice…

…and drank it everyday for the next one month.

Simultaneously, I also:

  • Followed a diet for high cholesterol
  • Took my high cholesterol medications
  • Worked a 9-5 job
  • Exercised less than 2 hours in  a week

This is what I learned.


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How I made my pomegranate juice?

I used only the arils and used only the flesh to make the juice.

It took longer, but the juice tasted SO much sweeter.

Definitely worth the time and the effort.

I don’t recommend buying fresh juice (too expensive) or a pomegranate syrup (not fresh).

Who should not drink pomegranate juice?

I have poor kidney function and high cholesterol, so I wanted to be sure.

Research is pretty clear:

Pomegranate juice for kidney patients is not a problem.

Pomegranate juice for cholesterol patients is not a problem.

Pomegranate juice for diabetes patients is not recommended.

The high GI load may create a nuisance with blood sugar.

How much pomegranate juice did I drink every day?

I limited it to 100ml. That’s how much I got from one pomegranate, daily.

Why? Pomegranate contains too much sugar, and I wanted to control that piece.

Didn’t want to add high blood sugar to my pre-existing problem of cholesterol and poor kidney function.

I had my pomegranate juice on an empty stomach every morning right before breakfast.

My review of pomegranate juice for skin whitening

No, pomegranate juice did not make my skin whiter in 30 days.

I enjoyed drinking the juice, though. It’s quite tasty.

But I faced several side effects of pomegranate juice.

  • A slightly bitter aftertaste
  • I felt really, really thirsty
  • I had a runny nose
  • I had some itching at the back of my throat (I think this has to do with the astringent taste)
  • One time my blood pressure fell lower, too

Most importantly, pomegranate juice did not work for skin whitening.

Maybe I tried it for too short a period (just 30 days)…

…or my previous medical conditions came in the way.

In either case, the experiment had failed.

As I started studying what happened, I realize the only way to whiten my skin would be to repair my kidneys.

So I changed my focus to doing just that.

A better alternative to pomegranate juice

For the next 30 days, I replaced my pomegranate juice with Kalmegh Bitters.

Kalmegh is a renal-protectant, meaning it helps flush toxins from the kidneys and protects the renal pathways.

I opted for Kalmegh Bitters because it was mixed with Moringa and Turmeric – two very, very rich antioxidants.

I also doubled my water intake.

Within just 2 weeks, I started feeling more energetic, fresh and light.

Did my skin become whiter with this new juice?

Not quite, but I could gradually see my face tone becoming more even.

But skin didn’t become whiter, but honestly I stopped caring about it because I found out my cholesterol had come down!

I have continued with Kalmegh Bitters and water, and also started exercising daily.

I feel a lot better now.

I don’t know if it’s the feeling of happiness, or it’s the lifestyle…

….but my face has a bright glow, and skin has an even tone and clarity.

Honestly, this ritual worked well for me.

Definitely better than pomegranate juice!

A Better Alternative to Pomegranate Juice

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