Percis Saxena

“My hba1c dropped from 9.9 to 9.5 in 24 days!” 2D Type 62 Age 4 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on January 7 (#13539) How did you know you were diabetic? I was diagnosed as diabetic in 2018, I have a blood pressure problem too and I am on borderline thyroid. On January…

Sateesh D Despande

“My hba1c dropped from 7.9 to 7.2 in 24 days!” 2- Type 58 Age >1 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on November 26 (#12050) How was the experience with Hugg? In the first 24 days, my blood sugar increased by a little. Then in the next 24 days, I saw a good result….

Pradip Patel

“My hba1c dropped from 8.2 to 7.7 in 48 days!” 2- Type >40 Age >20 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on December 14 (#12874) How did you know you were diabetic? I was Diabetic since 25 years and taking insulin. Everything was undercontrol till COVID, when blood sugar suddenly jumped up an out…

Akshay Kutumbale

“My hba1c dropped from 11.6 to 9.8 in 24 days!” 2D Type 34 Age <5 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on Feb 8 (#15162) How did you know you were diabetic? I was detected with Fatty liver around 2018, and then blood sugar started to go up. Everthing was in control, and then…

Valentine Thakkar

“Blood sugar readings are quite good. Gut health has improved a lot.” 2C/D Type 72 Age >5 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on December 27 (#13291) How was the experience with Hugg? The change is in general feeling food condition and of course there’s some change in bowel movement. My gall bladder is…

Viral Shah

“My average glucose fell from 208 to 162 in 10 days!” 2- Type <40 Age <2 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on January 10 (#13899) What changes did you make after you found out that you were diabetic? After I found out that I was a diabetic, I went on 90% keto diet…


“My hba1c dropped from 11.6 to 6.6 in 48 days!” 2D Type 61 Age <1 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on December 31 (#13430) How did you know you were diabetic? I have been taking medicines for cholesterol and thyroid since 9-10 years. I was gaining a lot of weight, when I got…

Mohd Yunus Khan

“My fasting and PP became half in 24 days!” 2D Type 36 Age <1 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on January 16 (#14474) How did you know you were diabetic? In a previous ultrasound, they told me that I had a fatty liver. During COVID 3rd wave, I got COVID but I didn’t…

Sucheta Limaye

“My hba1c dropped from 8.2 to 7 in 24 days!” 2D Type 47 Age <1 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on January 21 (#14622) How did you know you were diabetic? It was during a routine health checkup. For the first time in January, my report suddenly showed a big jump in blood…