Tilak Banerjee

“PP came down to 157 from 386 in just 4 days” 2D Type Purchased Hugg on Mar 10, 2024 (#101217) How was the experience with Hugg? I am so thankful to the creator of this Hugg diabates drink. It’s now 20 days of consuming, I reduced my sugar level PP from 340-360 Average to 110-180…

Vijay Kumar

“Hba1c came down to 7.8% from 10% in 4 months” 2D Type 73 Age 10 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on Nov 18, 2023 (#85157) How was the experience with Hugg? My dad’s Hba1c came down to 8.8% from 10% in just 3 months. He will definitely continue taking the Mango Leaf Tonic…

Ravi Shankar

“My hba1c dropped from 8.5 to 6.2 in 72 days!” 2D Type 49 Age >2 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on January 24 (#14695) How did you know you were diabetic? It was during a random check up I did after get a lot of urination at night. My readings were very high…

Vrinda M

“Almost immediately saw the difference in constipation.” Purchased Hugg on Sep 13 (#9384) How was your experience? Experience accha tha. I took it for constipation and saw results almost imemdiately for bowel movement. I have purchased more than 5 boxes! So powerful.So real.So simple.

Pratik Srivastava

“Definite improvement in energy – no doubt.” Purchased Hugg on Jan 31 (#14906) How was your experience? My dietician has recommended taking Kalmegh Bitters last year since then me and my family members are continuously taking it, this is my 5th month of continuation. I was able to see changes in my body within 10-12…

Priyanka Khare

“Acid reflux has come down and energy is back to normal. Infection bhi kam hota hain.” Purchased Hugg on Dec 18 (#13071) How was your experience? Experience is good! My dietitian told me to take for 2 months, but I have continued. I had GERD issue and energy problem, and both have become better. I…

Kaustabh Giri

“Apart from solving my gut issues I also feel that the skin has become clear.” Purchased Hugg on Aug 14 (#8047) How was your experience? My dietician has recommended taking Kalmegh Bitters last year since then me and my family members are continuously taking it, this is my 5th month of continuation. I was able…

Cyril D Souza

“My PP fell from 217 to 111 in 24 days.” 2- Type 59 Age >20 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on Jan 27 (#14775) How was the experience with Hugg? I have been a diabetic for 25 years but I never took any allopathic medicine. On Jan 26, my fasting was 140 and…

Kausar Baldar

“My fasting fell from 259 -> 183 -> 128 in 96 days.” 2- Type 40+ Age >20 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on November 11 (#11609) How was the experience with Hugg? I last tested my Hba1c 2 years ago. It was 12.5. My fasting reading used to be 259. After starting Hugg,…

Percis Saxena

“My hba1c dropped from 9.9 to 9.5 in 24 days!” 2D Type 62 Age 4 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on January 7 (#13539) How did you know you were diabetic? I was diagnosed as diabetic in 2018, I have a blood pressure problem too and I am on borderline thyroid. On January…