“My burning sensation in the stomach, heaviness, and gas have reduced by 50% in 8 days!!”

Burning sensation in stomach, heaviness and gas




GERD with mild colitis, RUT Positive

Purchased Hugg on 24th March 2024 (#103626)

I was diagnosed with GERD, mild colitis, and H. pylori infection a year ago. I underwent treatment and experienced temporary relief from symptoms such as a burning sensation in the abdomen, heaviness, and gas. I recently came across positive reviews about Tumguard jam in the media and decided to try it. After consuming one bottle, I have noticed good improvement in my symptom

Were you on a diet/medicines?


I have ordered again.

Burning sensation in stomach, heaviness and gas

Start Day Core issues

Burning sensation in stomach, heaviness and gas

End Day Core issues



So powerful.
So real.
So simple.