Mr. Harishkumar Vyas

“In 24 days, my PP blood glucose came down from 120 to 90!” Purchased Hugg in September 2021 “I’m 73 years old, and have been a diabetic for 20+ years.” How was the experience? “Great result in both my fasting and my post prandial blood glucose. There was a 10% improvement in fasting BG, and…

Mr. Kapil Bhatiya

“My hba1c dropped from 10 to 9.3 in 24 days!” 2D Type <40 Age <5 yr # years as Diabetic Purchased Hugg on September 18 (#9702) How did you know you were diabetic? There is a history of diabetes in my family. I run a gym in Surat, and I live an active life, so…

Rinal Thakkar

Rinal Thakkar

“I felt really energetic in just a few days” Purchased Hugg in June 2020 “I took the juice because I had viral fever and was feeling low energy.” How was the experience? “After consuming it I felt really great and energetic, in fact I had recommended it to my family members. They had really good…

Priya Shroff

Priya Shroff

“I did experience noticeable weight loss as well” Purchased Hugg in August 2021 “I wanted to look and feel my best for my brother’s wedding in December.” How was the experience? “The program worked fantastically for me. The Kalmegh Bitters along with a change in diet made me feel more energetic, light and cheerful. I…

Sunita Kaushal

Sunita Kaushal

“In 24 days, my cholesterol dropped from 262 to 208.” Purchased Hugg in August 2021 “I purchased the product for my 62-year old mother because she got a high cholesterol and triglyceride reading.” How was the experience? “I enjoyed it and lost a few KGs also. My cholesterol came down to 208 (from 262), my…

Monica Patil

Monica Patil

“I have almost no acidic refluxes” Purchased Hugg in August 2020 “Me and my husband have been using Hugg for 2 months.” How was the experience? “I never felt so energetic and fresh before even during afternoon hours. I have almost no acidic refluxes and digestive problems. As a Nutritionist, I would recommend this product…

Hiren Patel

Hiren Patel

“My digestive troubles have gone away” Purchased Hugg in June 2021 “I took it because the doctor said you may be having post COVID symptoms, especially gastric“ How was the experience? “Product has helped me resolve my troubles. I feel better. My digestive troubles have gone away. My wife takes this as well. I may…

Mradul Lalwani

Mradul Lalwani

“I lost 17kgs in 4 months, without exercising or dieting.” Purchased Hugg in July 2020 How was the experience? “It targeted my stamina, hunger and immunity. I didn’t lose any weight for the first month, but I felt light and hunger cravings became very, very less. If I ate in the house, I could not…

Deepika P.

Deepika P.

“My acne has gone.” Purchased Hugg in May 2021 “I had bloating issues which I want to resolve. I used to live in Singapore and currently work on-site” How was the experience? “It is really good. My acne has gone. My digestive troubles are resolved. I want to order more and want to try the…

Rakesh Inder

Rakesh Inder

“My weight came down by 6kgs in one month.” Purchased Hugg in June 2021 How was the experience? “When I took it alongside my diet, I lost 6kgs in the first month itself. Then, I stopped and continued only my diet and I did not lose so much weight. So I decided to restart and…